Call for Abstracts


Key Dates:

Call for abstracts openDecember 2023
Conference registration openEarly 2024
Call for abstracts closeExtended to 12 April 2024
Notification to authors / draft program availableEarly May 2024
Early bird registrations close / deadline for presenting authors to register5 July 2024
2024 ALLA Conference7 – 9 August 2024

The ALLA Conference is Australia’s national event for law librarians and law libraries. Conference delegates include ALLA members and other library and information professionals. Participation is anticipated from a range of organisations including private law firms, government departments, universities, courts and commercial organisations. The content of the conference will be of interest to library managers, librarians, library technicians, knowledge managers, knowledge consultants, chief information officers, and information professionals.

Our overarching theme for the 2024 ALLA Conference is New Frontiers: Exploring Future Trends.

Our theme will explore the following sub themes: emerging technology, innovation, space law, and new ways of being. 

This conference aims to bring together librarians, researchers, legal professionals, and educators to explore the evolving landscape of New Frontiers in law librarianship, law libraries and legal information. Relevant subjects for papers could include emerging technologies, enhanced information management, improved access to legal information, future of legal research and education, and legal information policy and ethics.


There will be a variety of presentation formats and lengths. The Conference Committee will welcome program proposals in formats such as:

  • Individual / group presentation – 30 minutes (including question time)
  • Lighting talk – 10 minutes (including question time)
  • Poster presentation – A0 sized poster to be displayed in the exhibition hall for the duration of the conference
  • Workshop – 1/2 day or full day, to be scheduled on Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Individual / group abstract submission requirements

  • Abstracts must be uploaded to the abstract portal in .PDF format and must be prepared using the appropriate template (word .doc file).
  • Abstracts must be no longer than 500 words.
  • Talks will be 30 minutes in duration (including question time) and final timing will be sent to you after abstract acceptances are sent out.
  • Please proofread the final document thoroughly before submitting.
  • Abstracts matching the requirements must be uploaded via the abstract submission portal no later than 5.00pm (AEDT) on 12 April 2024.
  • All presenters must register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee by the early bird cut-off date. If no author is registered by this date, the abstract will be withdrawn from the conference proceedings.

Lightning talk abstract submission requirements

  • Abstracts must be uploaded to the abstract portal in .PDF format and must be prepared using the appropriate template (word .doc file).
  • Abstracts must be no longer than 500 words.
  • Talks will be 10 minutes in duration (including question time) and final timing will be sent to you after abstract acceptances are sent out.
  • Please proofread the final document thoroughly before submitting.
  • Abstracts matching the requirements must be uploaded via the abstract submission portal no later than 5.00pm (AEDT) on 12 April 2024.
  • All presenters must register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee by the early bird cut-off date. If no author is registered by this date, the abstract will be withdrawn from the conference proceedings.

Poster abstract submission requirements

  • Poster abstracts must be uploaded to the abstract portal in .PDF format and must be prepared using the appropriate template (word .doc file).
  • Abstracts must be no longer than 500 words.
  • Please proofread the final document thoroughly before submitting.
  • Abstracts matching the requirements must be uploaded via the abstract submission portal no later than 5.00pm (AEDT) on 12 April 2024.
  • All presenters must register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee by the early bird cut-off date. If no author is registered by this date, the abstract will be withdrawn from the conference proceedings.
  • If your poster abstract is accepted, poster guidelines will be sent to you in late June 2024.

Workshop abstract submission requirements

  • Abstracts must be uploaded to the abstract portal in .PDF format and must be prepared using the appropriate template (word .doc file).
  • Abstracts must be no longer than 500 words.
  • Please proofread the final document thoroughly before submitting.
  • Abstracts matching the requirements must be uploaded via the abstract submission portal no later than 5.00pm (AEDT) on 12 April 2024.
  • All presenters must register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee by the early bird cut-off date. If no author is registered by this date, the abstract will be withdrawn from the conference proceedings.
  • Note: Workshops will be held on Wednesday, 7 August 2024 and may be held in a different venue other than the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Abstract template ( word.doc file).

Please click here to download the word .doc abstract template.

Terms and conditions

  • The lodgement of an abstract does not indicate automatic inclusion in the conference program.
  • Abstract receipt and acceptance will be acknowledged to the submitting author.
  • Further communication will be with the submitting author only unless otherwise directed.
  • Abstracts must adhere to the abstract requirements and be submitted before the call for abstracts close.
  • Each abstract must have at least one author registered by the early bird closing date. If no author is registered by this date, the abstract will be withdrawn from the conference proceedings.

Publication of Conference papers in the Australian Law Librarian journal

The Australian Law Librarian is the official journal of the Australian Law Librarians’ Association (ALLA). The Editor of the Australian Law Librarian warmly invites presenters to contribute a written paper based on their conference presentations for publication in the journal. The Editor will contact presenters following finalisation of the Conference programme to discuss potential contributions.